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Frontend Development

Learn frontend development ( HTML, CSS, Javascript), and  React.JS, use your skills  to build high quality websites and dynamic applications with stunning user experiences for the web and mobile applications

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12 Weeks

Our Curriculum

What you will learn during the training

Introduction To Frontend Development
Learn the fundamental of frontend development – HTML,CSS and Bootstrap.
An Introduction to Git and Github
You will learn  more about terminal commands, create folders, Init, staging/commit, branches and use of github.
Introduction To Javascript
Learn  javascripts basics , variables,  data types, boolean logic, if/else statements, functions, objects, methods etc.
Advanced Javascripts Concepts
Learn  advance javascripts concepts like closure, identity operator vs equality operator , promises and Async wait.
Introduction To ES6
Introduction to ES6 Modules, Template strings, Javascript maps, reduce,  Javascripts destructuring, ES6 Object Literals etc.
Dom Manipulation
You will learn  document object model,  DOM Selectors, DOM events, event listener, Javascript  key codes, event reference, call back functions etc.
Getting started with ReactJS
SPA introduction,  SPA Vs  Server side rendering  client apps, React project setup, React.js overview, etc
Advanced React.JS
Learn  React.js, react components, react class components,  react functional components, react components lifecycle, react props and state, etc.
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